Sunday, June 19, 2011

Weekend Getaway

I spent almost the entire day travelling, on an airplane, in a taxi and in a mini-van but mostly on the TransJakarta bus system. I flew into Jakarta on an early morning Air Asia flight and took a taxi from the airport to the hotel near Sarinah. The flight took about 1.5 hours and surprisingly the taxi took only 30 minutes to get me to the hotel.

The rest of the day, I spent travelling to visit my friend's family in Bogor. The journey was really long (about 3 hours) and took several transfers on the TransJakarta system. By the time we reached the house in the Ra Al Kompleks, it was almost 4pm. The one interesting fact is that the current Indonesian President has is residence just across the road from the kompleks, which is like an estate of government housing.

Along the way, there were so many roadside stalls selling my favourite fruit, I could not resist but to ask my friend to bring me out on his motorbike. We had a feast.

Followed by cooling off with some of the sweetest coconut juice I have ever tasted. No sugar syrup needed.

After that it was the trip back to Jakarta and the hotel. Being a Saturday night, the traffic jam was unbelievable. Took us more than 4 hours to get back.

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